Nomination process

Nomination process

17 December 2023

17 December 2023

Nomination date is open

Submit your details

Your nominator should submit the nomination details on our website

Submit your details
Submit supporting docs

Submit supporting docs

Send your supporting documents through this secure website

17 January 2024

Last date for submission (Extended date)

17 January 2024
19 February 2024

19 February 2024

Award Distribution Ceremony

1 17 December 2023

Nomination date is open

  • The award provides you a chance to be officially recognized and to show your company expertise and contributions to the Qatar’s digital industry sector.

Take the initiative to participate today.

2 Submit your details

Your nominator should submit the nomination details on our website

  • Please review the requirements and terms and conditions for each award category, choose the category you plan to apply for, and then submit all the required information and details on the award’s official website.

3 Submit supporting docs

Send your supporting documents through this secure website

  • Please visit the awards categories page, choose the category you would like to apply for, and read the terms & conditions for the specific award and the required documents to support and strengthen your application. The submitted documents must be in PDF format.

4 17 January 2024

Last date for submission (Extended date)

  •  Closing date for entries is 17th of January 2024, at 23:59 Entries received after the final closing date will not be accepted. Please ensure your applications are submitted by this date.

5 19 February 2024

Award Distribution Ceremony


  •  Three Finalists for each award category will be invited to attend the Awarding Ceremony. Winners will get recognized by The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

Celebrating and Recognizing Qatar's Innovating Tech Businesses
